Fancy a bit of competition? How about earning real life rewards? Great at solving cryptic puzzles and secrets? Well then keep reading on! “The Contest” is currently active! The first 10 PLAYERS to find and beat the SECRET LEVEL in Paradox: The Breaking of Time will earn free Adamant Gaming Studios branded products FOR LIFE!!! What does that mean? It means anything branded Adamant Gaming Studios merchandise or games I will be giving away to you for life and as long as I, Timothy Harvey, have a say in it. “Now why would I want that?” great question! While my company may be small now, I believe it will grow into a power house gaming company! That could mean you playing one of my first games, beating a secret level, and enjoying yourself all while doing that. Could gain you access to the rest of my games for free! As part of winning this I will be offering at least two branded shirts, a hat, and a hoodie for starters. You will also gain exclusive early access to the next game I work on and get a chance to influence the development process.


THIS IS THE ONLY HINT ANYONE WILL EVER RECEIVE! To access the first clue to the secret level. Beat the game and go into the “Secrets” menu in the options menu.


1.    You must legitimately unlock and beat the secret level. There are metrics being tracked and tampering with game code or cheating/glitching your way into beating the level will void your entry and/or win.

2.    No purchases are necessary to unlock or beat the secret level.

3.     Internet connection may be required as certain metrics are tracked for legitimate winners. It’s best to just always have the internet on to avoid this possibility.

4.    There is a minimum of 10 winners for this contest. This is first come first serve. Those numbers could be expanded (detailed below).

5.    Claiming a win: You will be given specific instructions in game on what to do. Based on the time I receive your claim is what will determine “First come first serve”. If there is a slight error, I will give you time to correct. However, if it is proven false or cheating may be suspected it will void your entry. Repeated attempts to fake a win may result in me ignoring any further claims even if they are legitimate. Trust me, you will know what to do if you win.


Ways To Win

1.    Finding and beating the secret level is the primary way to win. Look above on what to do when you beat the final phase of the level.

2.    Friend referral win. If you refer 5 or more friends where at least 5 of them beat level 10. If any one of your referrals finds and beats the secret level you may also claim the reward. Note: This will not fill an additional slot of the first 10 completions. If I see that the winner has been referred by someone, I will give them directions on how their friend can claim the prize. There are no limits on how many people you can refer. If multiple referrals beat the secret level, it does not mean you get additional prizes.


Increasing Available Slots

    The main portion of this contest is for the first 10 people to find and beat the secret level. After that additional slots may be opened. For every 10,000 downloads (rounded down) of Paradox: The Breaking of Time has at the time the 10th slot is filled, 1 additional slot will open. These downloads are calculated across Android, iOS, and Steam. This is determined when the 10th slot has officially been chosen. So, if the 10th slot gets chosen and counting all the downloads on Android, iOS, and Steam is equal to 347,000. Then 34 additional slots will be opened for the prize. These slots are filled when someone beats and claims the prize. Referral wins do not count in this pool.


The Prize

    Let me define “Free Lifetime Rewards” for a minute here. This does not mean “unlimited”. This means when Adamant Gaming Studios creates new products, you will get them first for free and in a quantity chosen by AGS. This does NOT mean you can request x number of shirts or apparel and demand to get it for free. You are entitled to at least 1 new product we develop whether that’s physical or digital. We may offer multiples of a product but we will let you know. You may ask to have more of different versions, variations, or sizes but we reserve the right to decline past the minimum. We may offer discounts on products just to cover costs or portions of the cost. Basically, be polite and there is a good chance we will say yes.

    Video Games: Any video games we create you will get exclusive early access to view, play, and give feedback on how it is being created. You will get the base game and any DLC for free. You will get 1 of each MTX package for free (This includes cosmetics packages). The MTX has to be something purchased with cash for it to be free. If it is purchased with a premium currency that does not count.

    Merchandise: Any physical merchandise developed by Adamant Gaming Studios. This can include shirts, hats, bags, and even game consoles if we develop them. You will be informed if something new is coming and be able to select sizes and versions before we release to the public. As part of the first round of prizes I am offering two branded shirts, a hat, and a hoodie.

    Lifetime: This is good for the lifetime of the winner or the lifetime of Adamant Gaming Studios, whichever comes first. In the event that AGS goes out of business. If I, Timothy Harvey, start another gaming company or have a major say in a company I work for, will do everything I can to uphold your prize and offer more free stuff to you. If I am not in charge of the company, I can’t promise anything due to obvious reasons. If the person who won passes away or wants to transfer their prize to someone, just email me at [email protected]. I am human, I understand things happen. We can discuss if those circumstances come up.



Q: How do I find the secret level?
A: Beat the game and you will receive a clue. After that, good luck. Any attempts to ask or bribe me may/will result in you being disqualified permanently.


Q: Have you told anyone about this before making the announcement?
A: Yes, close friends and family knew of the existence of the level before the contest. However, no one knew what the prize was until now. If any of the early adopters who had a “head start” beat the secret level before the first 10 then I will not count that in the pool. That’s only fair.


Q: Have you told anyone more hints or will you in the future?
A: No, even my wife doesn’t know how to access and beat the level. So, trying to get information out of anyone I know is futile. There is an extremely rare chance, if it is months down the road, where I might reveal more hints. However, this will be broadcasted to everyone at the same time and will be given at least 1 week notice before being revealed. No one will be given private hints.


Q: I beat the secret level. Can I tell my friends how to beat it?
A: I will not be able to stop anyone from freely giving information about the level. You may freely write, or tell anyone how to find and beat the level. However, if I catch anyone selling information or asking for donations. Both seller and buyer will be disqualified. Even if they have claimed the prize and this is discovered years later, I will remove them from the lifetime list.


Q: What happens if someone is found to have cheated and gets removed from the reward list?
A: I will keep a record of “Runner Ups” and they will be added in order of first come first serve.


Q: Can I sell my prize slot to friends and family?
A: No, I will not stand for the selling of a prize slot. Any attempt to do so will result in the forfeit of that prize. There may be a transfer of the prize to someone else for no monetary gain but I hold the right to reject this.


Q: Someone is trying to sell me secrets to the level, should I report this?
A: Honestly, I may not have time to handle everyone claiming they know secrets. You may report this but it is best to simply ignore it as this is against the rules and they are most likely trying to scam you.


Q: What happens if I find a bug in the secret level?
A: You may report a bug but the only feedback you will hear from me is “Thank you for the report.” Even if it did turn out to be a bug there will be a patch note and it will specifically say “Fixes to redacted”. I will not say if it is related to what was reported. I have tested this rigorously so I highly doubt there are any bugs associated with the secret level.