Thank you very much for playing Paradox: The Breaking of Time! If you're reading this, then you want to know more about the story of the game and the reason it was made. While Paradox: TBOT is a fictional story, you may relate to several elements. Depression, anger, losing a loved one, or wishing you could go back and stop yourself from making life altering mistakes. Personally, I have battled depression and lived in regret. I overcame these issues when I read a book called “The Love Code.” It was a book that taught me how to use peace, love, and joy to overcome the past hurts and regrets of life. So I incorporated some of those teachings into the story. 


    Why did I make this game with this kind of story? I made it for you, the person reading this right now. I've always loved how stories from games have had a deeper impact on me more than school or any history lesson I could take. Games like Ratchet & Clank, Tales of Symphonia, Runescape, and many others have stuck with me for a long time. Most importantly, I made this game because I want to share the love of Jesus with you. No one is forcing you to read this. But I know you've been looking for something to fill a void in your life. Name your vice: you may be using video games, drugs, alcohol, sex, and more to try and fill the emptiness inside. But nothing has worked for you, and they never will, because they always run out and leave you feeling even emptier than before. There's only one thing that will ever keep you feeling full, and that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.


    In the story, Carcer, whose name is a Latin variation for "prison," indicates that Carcer is a prisoner of his own devices, unable to escape the walls he has built around his heart because of his mistakes. He exhausted all possibilities to fix them himself. Unfortunately for him, that turned out badly, as he became Dolion, derived from the Latin word "doli,” meaning "deception." Carcer became a deceiver and manipulated people into his way of thinking. Because Carcer chose a life of stress, pressure, hate, and unforgiveness, he twisted himself into the worst possible version of himself. He chose a life without Jesus and the love and power of forgiveness that comes from accepting Him. Isaiah, which means "God's helper," is the story’s form of the Holy Spirit. It isn’t there to force, but instead tugs on Carcer's heart and guides him to Jesus instead of taking the lonely, self-destructive road. The Anomaly represents what happens when the dark road is chosen with Jesus. Of course, he is still redeemed in the end, but how much better could his life have been if he just accepted Jesus before struggling in his own power? Maybe you relate to the Anomaly today? That is okay; it is never too late. Maybe you're young and have your whole life ahead of you. Now you are ready to begin your journey on the right path. No matter what you choose, Jesus still loves you! How do I know? Because I battled personally with releasing this game. Jesus called me to create video games like this for people just like you. After 8 years of off and on development, self doubt, wanting to give up, never thinking I could finish, fear of being ridiculed and made fun of, I overcame all of that to bring this message to you, personally. Even if you are the only one, it was all worth it! It was worth it to bring you this message, and it's that Jesus loves you deeply and wants to save you from depression, loneliness, fear, anger, or whatever battles you might be facing.


    John 3:16 NKJV "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." There is only ONE way to be saved, and that is to believe that God gave His only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. He was a pure and innocent man who took all the punishment we should have received for our sins because He loves us more than we can fathom. We don’t do anything to deserve this kind of love, mercy or forgiveness, but He gives it to us as a free gift for receiving Him into our life and heart. It doesn't matter what may have happened in the past or what you might have done. He can save YOU.


    If you’re ready to receive Jesus into your heart and make Him your Lord and Savior, I would like you to repeat this prayer out loud, wherever you are. This isn’t some magic chant you say and it magically saves you. This is a sincere confession and your entrance into a new and changed life. You have to mean this in your heart and be ready to leave behind your wrong behavior, whatever it may be.


    So, if you’re ready, and you really mean it, say this prayer: “Dear Jesus, I come before you now with a humble heart. I know I have sinned before you. I’m ready for a new life. I’m ready for a life of following you Jesus. Forgive me of my sins, my wrath, my rebellion. From now on, I only want what you want for my life. I believe that you, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for my sins and to save me and to rescue me from eternal punishment. I am giving up the person I was, I thank you for making me a new creation! Thank you Jesus for taking my punishment so that I may have life and have it more abundantly! I am a Christian and a child of God. Amen.“


    How exciting! Welcome to the family! You might be thinking “Now what?” Great question! I would strongly suggest four things: 1. Get a Bible in the NKJV or NIV version and start reading it. It can be physical or digital. If you’ve never read the Bible, I’d suggest starting in The New Testament of Luke. 2. Find yourself a good church you can go to. You want to find one that preaches the Bible in a non-denominational setting. 3. Get baptized. 4. Tell someone about your decision! You can reach out to a local pastor or even email me directly. If you’re not sure how to find a church, you can watch online or if you’re in Colorado you can attend my church, which is Word of Life Christian Center or If you want to find a local church, which I would also strongly suggest, feel free to email me at [email protected] and I will help you find a strong, faith-filled church that will help guide you on your way to a new life. Remember, just because you give your life to Jesus doesn't mean your life becomes instantly fixed and nothing bad will ever happen again. Nope, we’re still in the world and there’s a lot of crap to deal with. But now you won’t have to navigate the journey alone! You have Jesus and a church family of believers to help guide and help you.


    If you’ve made it this far, thank you. I truly do love you and pray the best for your life. God bless you traveler!

